In the 1st grade, you eat lunch at 11am. Sooooo early! But in Kinder you eat at 10:30....which is usually when I'm finishing up my coffee. I never made it to school last year to eat at 10:30 and I'm going to go ahead and blame Bergen. Who wants to drag a 1 year old up there? Not me!
This year I ate with Preston....ZERO times. Yes, I know... I'm SUCH a good mother! But I work through my lunch so I can leave early and pick him up from school. So no need to call CPS...I'm really not THAT bad.
Today I suprised Preston with a Happy Meal for lunch and saved him from the dreaded "Culinary Favorites" day which is basically "whatever is leftover" day. These poor kids were eating flatbread with cheese and garlic. When Preston saw me he ran and gave me a big hug and said "thank you for saving me from Culinary Favorites"!! HA! That really made me laugh.
I enjoyed the company of several 7 year old boys fresh off the playground. Sweat + Garlicky Flatbread. Awesome. They are such sweet boys. I had a really good time! I told Preston I would eat with him more often next year when the lunch time is bumped up to 11:30. And I will check to make sure it's not "culinary favorites" day. Yikes!
But this story is not quite complete without a run-in with the mom who is *always* at school and another mom...baby in tow. It went a little something like this.
Always there mom to Mom with baby - "are you eating lunch?"
Mom with baby - "No - and I haven't all year and I feel bad about it!"
Me - "Don't feel bad! You have a baby! And this is the first time I've eaten here...ever"
Always there mom to me - "You've never eaten lunch here with your child?"
Me - "No. It's 11am! I just finished my coffee! No really, I work and well, I work. My boss is out of town so...oh look at the time...gotta run...back to work."
So thank you Always There Mom for bursting my bubble and making me feel like a slacker mom. I wonder if she drives that Mercedes?
if it makes you feel better, my mother almost never ate lunch with me either =]
"Always There Mom" probably scoffed at you NOT trading fries for apples in the HAPPY MEAL too! haha!! I just bet "Always Working Mom" made her ADORABLE 1st grader feel very special today!! Great to see you this morning! Have a terrific summer!!
I have no doubt that you totally made Preston's day. I have gotten to eat with Kendall a couple of times this year - a big thank you to unemployment! She absolutely loves it and I can't wait to do it next year!
It's not your job to make "Always There Mom" smile... just Preston! And it sounds like you succeeded in making his day! What fun!!!
What a good Mommy you are! "Culinary Favorites" sound like a terrible trick! Bleh! That God for Happy Meals!
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