This is my friend Janna. Isn't she pretty? You don't know the half of it.
Janna just totally called me out on her food blog, which you can see here. Seriously she called me out like 5 minutes ago. I must have ESPN or something because I totally knew it right when it happened.
Or she emailed me...which is probably closer to the truth.
Janna is my sister from another mister. She is married to TV Joe's BFF and the day we met was easily in the top 10 best moments of my life. Seriously. This girl is straight up awesome. I can still remember the day I met her - Derrick brought her to our house and she was all young and fresh and pretty and I thought immediately "oh I hate this girl because she's cuter than me" but that feeling left about 5 seconds when she immediately hugged me and flashed me her gorgeous smile. I was all "okay, maybe hate is too strong a word here...she's not terrible".
One minute later we were hooting it up like we had known each other our whole lives. Then I thought "okay she's totally my BFF forever and ever and Derrick had better marry her or I'm gonna whack him over the head".
Janna is the best friend a girl could ever want. And you know what's awesome about her? I could name 10 other girls who feel the same way about her. Janna has this uncanny ability to make you feel like you are the most important person on the planet (aside from Derrick and sweet muffin). And I've met all her girlfriends from childhood and college, and I betcha 5 bucks they would agree with me. She's just an extraordinary girl.
We went to dinner and a Carrie Underwood concert in the fall of 2008. As we ate sushi and drank white wine, we talked about kids and all her sweet friends becoming mommies for the first time. I told her that 2009 was her year - I just knew it. Sure enough, in December of 2009, Janna and Derrick added sweet Clara to their home and gave me my own sweet little baby girl to love and spoil. Okay, she's not my own, but you get the picture. I have 2 stinky boys and Clara lets me love on a baby girl and buy baby girl stuff.
On top of being gorgeous, talented, creative, an amazing friend, mommy and wife, Janna is a killer cook and baker. She's got more creativity in her pinky finger than Martha Stewart has in her entire body. She makes awesome cupcakes. She made Preston an Indiana Jones birthday cake. She made a dead UT Longhorn cake for that fateful Saturday when Tech beat Texas and my husband wept tears of joy. She is the girl who taught me about blogging and food p@rn and The Pioneer Woman. She's the one who *really* inspired me to set out on my "One New Recipe A Week" new year's resolution. If truth be told, Janna inspires me to do many things outside of my normal box.
I've let her down these last few weeks...and that almost makes me want to cry. Except she knows I don't really cry that much so I can get by with a few sniff...sniff...sniff...and it counts. I've let the craziness of my brood take away from my resolution to blog. And I promise to make it up to her.
So Janna, now I bring you...what we had or are having for dinner this week. Try not to be too jealous.
Sunday - we ate at the taco stand in Grapevine that serves free beer on Sunday. I had a steak taco and too much queso blanco.
Monday - Double Dave's pizza for Preston's end of season Basketball party
Tuesday - Sonic on the way to Preston's baseball practice
Wednesday - Pappadeaux's Greek Salad - we had a meeting at the church and grabbed this after
Thursday - Amy weighs in 1.7 pounds heavier at Weight Watchers - hmmmm - wonder why???
Thursday night - sandwich on the way to Preston's baseball game
Friday - Mom's night out
Saturday - Pizza with the baseball team after Preston's baseball game
So I guess I better find something new to bake or make on Saturday to not let her down.
I love you Janna - I love you more than my luggage. Thanks for being so awesome. I promise I will try harder. Just for you girl.
Oh girl...do you realize everything you ate had CHEESE on it! Cheese plate! I'm so jealous!
P.S. I discovered Almond Milk and had my first bowl of cereal in 2 months and it was fantastic!
I am always excited to see when you post something! I agree, she is precious. The best friends are the ones who inspire you to be better & do better. And I love your menu for the week. Some weeks are just like that. Truth be told, some months are just like that.
I don't know her, but I like her already. What a fun post! You have to have a good, fun, inspiring friend to walk along life with. (and drink wine with ;o)..)
LOL, I'm over from Janna! What a love-fest the two of you have going on. All I know is one of the two of you needs to post a recipe about food soon. :) Kidding!
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