As I've stated in earlier posts, this is my first summer to stay home with the boys. I am working twice a week and the kids head to my in-laws for the day. Preston likes to go to Mimi's house because he has a friend next door and he has a ton of Legos and a pool. When you are six, that's like paradise. We've had a good summer so far. Preston took swim lessons the last week of May and he's swimming like a fish. I still watch him, but it's nice to know he can make it to the side of the pool now. I have him in camps every other week to occupy his time. The first was tennis and swim camp. I had some great pics from this camp, but I can't find the email anywhere. Trust me, it was precious. The camp was at a park in the next town over, and the pool there was 12ft deep and had a big diving board. Oh yeah.
Next was VBS. I volunteered to help in the baby hall. Since we had Preston, my church friends have been working VBS and tell me how fun it is and how they gabbed for 3 hours and served little snack and made little crafts. I was deeply jealous. I usually did not care that I was missing things being a working mom, especially since I always had really flexible jobs. But VBS...there was no way I could take a week to work VBS and I was always jealous. So this year, I got to help and gab with my girlfriends while serving little snacks and making little crafts. It was everything I wished for. Bergen had so much fun with his friends. He's getting so big and independent. By the end of the week, he did not even shed a tear when I dropped him off. Preston had fun at VBS - he was with the big kids since he's entering 1st grade. He started asking questions about becoming saved. I think we have some time to work it out with him. He's so little - we need to make sure he really understands.

We had a great 4th of July. Our cousin and his wife and daughter came to stay with us. It was awesome having a 2 year old little girl around. We watched Annie and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. She's adorable. We did this 4th of July old school - blow up pools and firecrackers. The kids had a great time - we had tons of good food, some awesome sangria and homemade vanilla pudding. God Bless America and thank you Lord for landing me in the south. Yee haw.

The rest of our days have been filled with "brotherly love". These boys fight like cats and dogs. I can really tell it's the middle of the summer because tensions are high and it's harder to entertain them outside. We hang out at the pool at the gym a lot. The other day I heard the following argument about some random toy.
B - "MINE!"
P - "MINE!"
B - "MINE!"
P - "MINE!"
B - "MINE!"
P - "MINE!"
B - "MINE!"
P - "MINE!"
B - "pweeze?"
Preston and I burst into laughter. It was the cutest thing.

It's moments like these that I praise God for this one summer. I'm ok if I go back to a real job because I have this one summer to hold on to. And I hold dear to the times when we go out with our friends to enjoy a glass of chilled white wine. I swear it's the best therapy out there. Cheaper and healthier than prozac, that's for sure.
Sounds like wonderful memories are being made during your stay-at-home summer! You'll always be able to treasure these things in your heart. And believe me, the memories just get bigger as time goes by!!!
Pweez! Aw!
They are so cute!
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