It's been a ca-razy week. Preston has been at fencing camp for a few hours each morning. It sounds cool, but it was a total waste of money. There's about 30 kids in the class, and I think they have 4 swords. When I ask Preston what he did at camp he says "freeze tag" and "catch the bacon". We could have done that at home for free.
In the midst of fencing camp, it's been "sassy" week for P-Ditty. He's normally a sweet boy, but is gearing up for the "sassy sevens". No one warned me about "sassy sevens", but apparently, lots of kids get this wicked virus - both boys and girls.
Tonight was especially bad. So I asked Preston, "where's your joy?"...and he said "my joy took a summer will be back when school starts...but don't even think about putting me in summer school!" I can only hope his joy will return with the first bell. Until then, I'll need to find that "sassy sauce" to cure this little virus. (sassy sauce = tobasco on the tongue)
Night night
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
High School Musical
Last night, we went to see High School Musical at Fair Park with some friends. Preston is a fan of the movies and TV Joe came home with some pretty great tickets, so off we went. We decided to catch a bite before the show and headed to Grimaldi's Pizza in Uptown. It's freaking awesome pizza. The boys were so excited. We sat at a table with bar stools. We let them order sugar-laden, caffeinated beverages. Which is when the Dr. Pepper jokes started. "Where does a jalapeno go when he gets sick? Dr. Pepper" That was the best one, but I will say the creative joke telling lasted about 15 minutes. Little boys are funny. After the pizza, we headed over to Fair Park for the big show. Both boys were acting like it was no big deal, for fear that they would not look cool in front of the other. But they loved it.
After getting settled in our seats, getting a little snack and a small glass of wine for the moms to suck down in order to tolerate the show, I busted out my camera to document the night. Snap, flash, done. From out of nowhere, appeared a theater attendant.
"You're going to have to delete that picture."
"There's no flash photography during the show"
"Um, it's 7:45pm...there is no show."
"And I'm going to take your camera and you can pick it up after the show. Here's your claim ticket."
"WHAT? How about I just put it up and not use it anymore?
"No, we're taking all cameras. You can pick it up after the show."
"What about all those cell phones out there? Are you taking them up?"
"If they get caught."
It was at that moment I remembered there were 2 little boys with me, watching me. I handed over the camera and muttered the words "well, rules are rules." moment captured on film. But then again, after watching the show, I'm not sure I really want a memory. The kids liked it...I thought it kinda stunk.
After getting settled in our seats, getting a little snack and a small glass of wine for the moms to suck down in order to tolerate the show, I busted out my camera to document the night. Snap, flash, done. From out of nowhere, appeared a theater attendant.
"You're going to have to delete that picture."
"There's no flash photography during the show"
"Um, it's 7:45pm...there is no show."
"And I'm going to take your camera and you can pick it up after the show. Here's your claim ticket."
"WHAT? How about I just put it up and not use it anymore?
"No, we're taking all cameras. You can pick it up after the show."
"What about all those cell phones out there? Are you taking them up?"
"If they get caught."
It was at that moment I remembered there were 2 little boys with me, watching me. I handed over the camera and muttered the words "well, rules are rules." moment captured on film. But then again, after watching the show, I'm not sure I really want a memory. The kids liked it...I thought it kinda stunk.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Only in Teh-xus!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Middle of the Summer
Next was VBS. I volunteered to help in the baby hall. Since we had Preston, my church friends have been working VBS and tell me how fun it is and how they gabbed for 3 hours and served little snack and made little crafts. I was deeply jealous. I usually did not care that I was missing things being a working mom, especially since I always had really flexible jobs. But VBS...there was no way I could take a week to work VBS and I was always jealous. So this year, I got to help and gab with my girlfriends while serving little snacks and making little crafts. It was everything I wished for. Bergen had so much fun with his friends. He's getting so big and independent. By the end of the week, he did not even shed a tear when I dropped him off. Preston had fun at VBS - he was with the big kids since he's entering 1st grade. He started asking questions about becoming saved. I think we have some time to work it out with him. He's so little - we need to make sure he really understands.
B - "MINE!"
P - "MINE!"
B - "MINE!"
P - "MINE!"
B - "MINE!"
P - "MINE!"
B - "MINE!"
P - "MINE!"
B - "pweeze?"
Preston and I burst into laughter. It was the cutest thing.
It's moments like these that I praise God for this one summer. I'm ok if I go back to a real job because I have this one summer to hold on to. And I hold dear to the times when we go out with our friends to enjoy a glass of chilled white wine. I swear it's the best therapy out there. Cheaper and healthier than prozac, that's for sure.
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