Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Have a wonderful New Year! I have some thoughts on the holiday and my goals for 2009 that I'll post later - hopefully tomorrow. As for now - good riddance 2008! It's been one of the hardest of our lives. Here's to 2009!!
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A good friend needs some prayers
I'm asking for your prayers for the Staglianos. They live in Connecticut. They have 3 beautiful daughters who have autism. That's right, all 3 of them. Wife Kim is an amazing advocate for them and the rest of the autism community. She has her own blog, manages and writes for the Huffington Post. She's a celebrity in the autism community - many look to her for information and support.
So - please pray for Mark, Kim, Mia, Gianna and Bella. If you know of anyone looking for a kick-azz sales guy in the New England area, I'd be happy to send you his resume. Please pray that he'll find something quickly and painlessly.
If you get some time, read Kim's piece on the Huffington Post. She's an awesome writer.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I've Been Tagged
8 TV Shows I Love to Watch:
2. The Office
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Brothers & Sisters
5. Samantha Who?
6. Lipstick Jungle
7. 30 Rock
8. Gilmore Girl reruns
Favorite Restaraunts:
1. Coal Vines
2. JR's Steakhouse
3. Kincade's
4. Costa Vida
5. Gloria's
6. Chick-fil-A
7. PF Changs
8. Kenichi
8 Things that Happened Today:
1. Preston climbed in bed with us at 5:30 am. Thanks dude.
2. Bergen ate his first poptart. I like to start them early on bad eating habits.
3. Fought Preston to brush his teeth and get his shoes on.
4. Actually witnessed a new "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse".
5. Convinced Preston that a baked potato was far better than the sack lunch I didn't make today.
6. Dropped off Bergen at daycare and watched him scream again...fully knowing he'll have fun once I leave.
7. Drank about 32 oz of coffee which had little effect on my sleepiness. That's scary.
8. I talked to my Mom on the phone
8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. My birthday is Friday!
2. Baseball family party on Saturday - love the Muckdogs
3. Camping with said Muckdogs next weekend.
4. Christmas music - yes I know it's available now, but I'm a purist - not until after Thanksgiving
5. Getting my house decorated - the outside light are already hung!!
6. Thanksgiving at home this year.
7. Preston's basketball season
8. The weekend...doesn't matter which one...any weekend will do!!
8 Things on My Wishlist:
1. A commission check would be awesome
2. Kids who clean up after themselves! (har har)
3. New PDA (iPhone??)
4. Bedroom painted and new curtains
5. Texas Tech National Championship
6. Consistent trips to the gym
7. Healthy, happy kids and parents
8. A big family gathering - with everyone there.
If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My Big Fat Greek Sunday
But back to the Greek festival...
There were lots of kid's activities - crafts, bounce house, petting zoo and the dreaded face painting. Every time we see face painting, Preston BEGS me to get his done. And every time, I say no. It's just nasty once he eats something, or it starts to wear off. Gross. But I was feeling rather festive, and said "hey yeah - go for it!" He chose Frankenstein (kind of ironic since that's what we use to call him when he was little - long story).

From the moment it started to dry, he started crying and screaming - "it hurts! get it off! I'll give you your dollar back just get it off!!!" So we ran to the car and started wiping it off with baby wipes. I've never seen him so relieved. I think it was kind of like a face mask feeling - tight. Poor kid.
And now he'll never ask to have his face painted again. Yes - high five!
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Return of Johnny Bravo
I'm working from home today. And when I say working, I really mean chasing Bergen, doing laundry and glancing at the Blackberry occasionally. I thought I would give you a glimpse into Bergen's latest obsession. Santa's Rockin'. I'm sure you aren't a Wiggles fan, but you seriously have to see Barry Williams on this clip. Dude done lost his mind. Or he got paid really well. It's a toss up. We all know the Wiggles are laughing their way to the bank. Hey! Must be the mon-ay!
These are some seriously sweet moves straight from "We're gonna keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on dancin' all thru the night".
Enjoy! And know that Bergen is running around the house saying "Tanta Taus hohoho".
Thursday, October 9, 2008
About a month ago, Preston and I were in the car going to get Bergen. We were still in the neighborhood when I hear him say "dammit". (notice how I take the less offensive spelling...he's still my baby) I slam on the brakes, swing around and say "hey, did you know that's a bad word?" His eyes got really big as he said "no" I say "ok well now you do. Don't say it again, ok? That's a cuss word and I'll have to wash your mouth out with soap if I hear it again." Part of me is alarmed. He's 7 years old and uttered his first curse. But I remember learning the "f word" in the 2nd grade, so I blow it off, hoping he's learned his lesson. Let me just add that he didn't hear it at home, okay?! I may not be a perfect parent, or a perfect person for that matter, and I'm not saying I've never used the bottom of the barrel vocabulary, but we do keep it clean around the kids. I can't say the same for prime time TV. Since he won't fess up to where he learned this word, I'm going to blame The Biggest Loser.
Flash forward 2 weeks. I go to get Preston at school, get him in the car to learn he got a red at school. Red = really bad day. I ask for his folder, proceed to look at the conduct sheet to see that my dear, sweet 7 year old boy uttered the same word at school. Oh. No. First month of school and we've been branded *that* family. Great. So I haul his little tail home, where I give him a spanking. I then drag him to the bathroom, where I washed his mouth out with soap. Yes, I know - how very "A Christmas Story" of me. I explained that I had to clean his mouth since it was dirty from using a dirty word. Don't worry I used pure and natural soap. So then I told him to get back in the car. I hauled him back to school. When we pulled up, he says "what are we doing?" and I said "you need to apologize to Mrs Schultz. But first, let's ask Jesus to forgive you - get on your knees and pray." At this point, I was about in tears because his little prayer was so sweet and sincere. "Dear Jesus, I'm so sorry for saying that word again. Please forgive me. I'm so so so so so so so so sorry!" He was crying, and I was proud. So we went to see the teacher, where he apologized, and I learned that Mrs. Schultz is full of grace and I can only assume a child of God based on her treatment and sweetness with Preston. Well that, and she has a cross hanging in her room. She told him she forgave him, but it wasn't okay that he said that word. He needs to learn self-control now that he knows a word that he shouldn't repeat. Clever lady. You know I had to add "you've never heard mommy or daddy say that word, have you" to which he thankfully said "no". Gotta show the teacher a call to CPS was not needed. I think he learned his lesson because he hasn't said it again. And he makes me change the channel when bad words are spoken (like the one he said, or stupid, idiot, etc...thankfully he has not learned the really bad ones yet.) So that means no more Gilmore Girls while Preston's around.
So fast forward to last night. We have the Verizon dude coming to install stuff today, so of course I had to clean the house like the Queen of England was going to show up. Preston was in the shower, and I was vacuuming while Bergen followed me, causing damage along the way as usual. He's in what I call "dump and run" phase where he dumps things out, then runs off. Preston's legos were on the table and while my back was turned, Bergen climbed up to grab and smash. I quickly go to pick them up because, well, they are small and annoying and can go down a toddler's windpipe in an instant. That, and Preston would FREAK OUT if he saw it. I'm so frustrated by legos. I swear, they are all over my house. As I'm picking them up, I feel one of those cuss words brewing in my mouth. Instead, I said "fartknockers". Yes that's right, I said fartknockers. Don't judge okay? It's all I could think of. The second it came out of my mouth, Bergen repeats "fartknockers fartknockers fartknockers." Not in regular Bergen voice, but in his hilarious Cookie Monster voice. Hilarious. Can't wait to hear from his daycare teacher.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Things the child raising books don't tell you
Toddler + leftover spaghetti + candy corn + trampoline = barf-o-rama
Consider yourself warned...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Travis Tritt - Great day to be alive (live)
As I shared earlier, my mom had a stroke about a month ago. She went into the hospital on a Saturday, and we spent the week with her, watching her get a little better, a little worse, a little dopey from some good tranquilizers and most of all - we watched her get really strong as she faced her mortality head on. My mom's always been really strong in my eyes. She's faced some pretty huge challenges in life with more grace and strength than she gives herself credit. This was no exception. The Friday after her stroke, she had a stint placed in her carotid artery. My dad and I waited with a few of her good friends while she went into surgery - hoping, praying, trying to stay calm. Thankfully, it went well and mom has continued to improve. She's in a little speech and occupational rehab. If you met her on the street, you'd never know she had a stroke. I'm impressed and inspired by her strength.
Anyway, so that Friday, after the surgery and mom was safe and resting in ICU, I took my dad to eat, then headed home. On the way home, I heard this song. It's always been a favorite of mine. That day it had more meaning...and I cranked it. I mean CRANKED it and sang it at the top of my lungs. Tears streaming down my face, I "howled at the moon - ah oooooh". I would hardly call Travis Tritt a praise and worship leader, but that Friday night in August, I worshipped like nobody's business.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Never Forget
And remember to pray for the families who lost loved ones in this tragedy. Go hug your kids and loved ones!
Monday, September 8, 2008
So much has happened in the last 2 months - Preston had camps, Bergen went to see the Wiggles. They both had birthdays and are both growing so fast. Preston even started the 1st grade. We went ot Childress for Joe's mamaw's 90th birthday. Amazing. We also have had some hard times - Joe had a migraine headache that lasted 4 weeks. Before we got a diagnosis, he suffered quite a bit...including a trip to the ER and a neurologist. My mom had a stroke which led to vascular surgery. She's starting rehab. That was 2 weeks ago. Talk about a wake up call. There's nothing like the feeling of seeing your mom - your hero - laying in a hospital. Not fun. But she's doing good. We expect a full recovery, praise to God! He is so faithful. I started a new job...another gig where I only get paid if I sell something. If we can just hang tight for a few more months, this should be pretty good. And I love a schedule. that I have less time than when I was unemployed, I will blog more. I just do better when I'm forced to get up and out of the house.
Almost everyday, I see something or experience something and think "I'm so blogging that". Like my drycleaner, who looks like Jeff Wiggle, or the crossing guard that is quite honestly the grumpiest looking old man I've ever seen. But hey, at least he's out there. My kids still crack me up with every word.
So life is good - it might be the hardest we've ever experienced, but looking around...still not too shabby.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Where's Your Joy?
In the midst of fencing camp, it's been "sassy" week for P-Ditty. He's normally a sweet boy, but is gearing up for the "sassy sevens". No one warned me about "sassy sevens", but apparently, lots of kids get this wicked virus - both boys and girls.
Tonight was especially bad. So I asked Preston, "where's your joy?"...and he said "my joy took a summer will be back when school starts...but don't even think about putting me in summer school!" I can only hope his joy will return with the first bell. Until then, I'll need to find that "sassy sauce" to cure this little virus. (sassy sauce = tobasco on the tongue)
Night night
Monday, July 14, 2008
High School Musical
After getting settled in our seats, getting a little snack and a small glass of wine for the moms to suck down in order to tolerate the show, I busted out my camera to document the night. Snap, flash, done. From out of nowhere, appeared a theater attendant.
"You're going to have to delete that picture."
"There's no flash photography during the show"
"Um, it's 7:45pm...there is no show."
"And I'm going to take your camera and you can pick it up after the show. Here's your claim ticket."
"WHAT? How about I just put it up and not use it anymore?
"No, we're taking all cameras. You can pick it up after the show."
"What about all those cell phones out there? Are you taking them up?"
"If they get caught."
It was at that moment I remembered there were 2 little boys with me, watching me. I handed over the camera and muttered the words "well, rules are rules." moment captured on film. But then again, after watching the show, I'm not sure I really want a memory. The kids liked it...I thought it kinda stunk.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Only in Teh-xus!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Middle of the Summer
Monday, June 2, 2008
New Sunday School Class
So Preston promoted at church yesterday to the 1st grade class. Our church is doing some much needed renovations to the kid's area and they've moved all the kindergartners to the 1st grade a little early.
We got in the car yesterday and I was anxious to hear how it went. Here's how our conversation went:
me: How was your new Sunday School class buddy?
P-Diddy: Good.
me: What did you learn?
P-Diddy: It was cold.
me: Cold?
P-Diddy: Yeah, cold. I barely survived.
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Ice Cream Invasion

But I'm not telling you this to pimp out Cuisinart. You see, when we were opening the box and getting everything ready, Preston said, "This ice cream machine is gonna change our lives."
Monday, May 26, 2008
Preston Rocks
We had the big t-ball tournament. The big, painful t-ball tournament. It was a massacre. Freakishly large kids on the opposing team. I thought our coaches were going to have strokes on the field. But the kids all had smiles on their faces. They couldn't care less, which is awesome about 6 year olds. They were totally there for the free trophy and pizza party. Saturday night we hooted it up with the Cardinals. We had pizza, cake, 5 hours of swimming and the trophies. Our coaches were amazing this season. Big ups to them. And apparently there's been a request for a Cardinal Dad's Calendar. Cute dads...TV Joe included and obviously at the top of that list. Way to go Cardinals - we're all very proud. It's a great team and we've made some awesome friends in the process. We have one more season together in the fall and we're all looking forward to coach pitch.
Preston's other big news for the weekend. He learned to ride his bike without his training wheels. He's growing up, y'all and it's freaking me out. He's so big and adorable. We're really proud of him. And yes, we're getting him a bigger bike. He's had a major growth spurt. You can see the pure joy on his little face.
Yesterday we went to Preston's Kindergarten graduation. It was just about the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. It's been a good year. We held Preston back because he's a summer baby. He's super smart, but I just really felt it necessary to give him a little head start emotionally and socially. I know we made the right decision, but I was worried this year would be difficult due to boredom. Preston's teacher was amazing - she challenged him with reading and extra work to keep him engaged. We made it this year thanks to Mrs. Guthrey. We're ready for the 1st grade. I hear it's a lot of pressure with homework and reading. It's crazy how kids are pushed these days.
So here's to Preston - my baby boy all grown up. I thank God every day for giving me this amazing kid!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
If You Like To Eat...
In the meantime, if you like to eat, you really, really need to go to Honeyed Hashette. My girl Janna has been busy making stuff like this.

Guys...send your wife here. She's a rock star. you Janna! Come see us soon...but don't you dare show up empty handed!! :)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Trip to New York - deets to come
Now...where's my haz-mat uniform?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
One More Thing for Tonight

I'm Angered Today
I'm angered that innocent people have died due to contaminated medication from China. Really angered. My friends know I have a real issue that everything we use day-to-day is shipped in from China. Stupid things. The Juicy Juice I bought for Bergen last week has a stamp on it - "Product of China". What? Why was it necessary for the Juicy Juice people to ship freaking apple juice across the Pacific Ocean? Oh, that's right. Because big retail mega-store "W" has trained us to look for the "falling prices". But at what cost? Well, we have the Heparin contamination scandal. Dozens of people have died because the real ingredients of Heparin were just too darned expensive to use. Let's not forget the tainted dog food, toxic toothpaste and lead-filled toys. And the $2.99 a pound "fresh Atlantic salmon" that's dripping in antibiotics and waste. Why do we have to import everything? We're raising a generation of Americans who cannot make anything. Now, I'm not so angry about toys. I mean, the likelihood that a child would get lead poisoning from a toy is slim. I remember the toys we played with in the 80's were all made in Taiwan. I'm sure they were dripping in lead. But food and drugs? What the frack? The FDA never inspected the factory the heparin was made in. If we can't trust the FDA, who is our voice? Is it my doctor? While I love my doctor, there are cute phara-reps bringing him lunch twice a week. They are in sales. It's their job to convince them that their drug is the best. (disclaimer - I actually do trust my doctor)
I'm also terribly angered over this whole price of oil debacle. I took economics, I understand supply and demand. But I still get really pissed off when I fill up my tank, knowing that oil companies are showing record profits. I feel sorry for people who are skipping breakfast to pay for gas to drive to work. I'm so worried about how much worse it's going to get before it gets better. And how long will it take to get better when we are so dependent on other countries for everything?
Miley Cyrus has me angered a bit too. Well, not really Miley so much as Billy Ray and Mrs. Billy Ray. What the crap were they thinking letting their daughter take her top off for a photo shoot. She's 15. She can't make a rational judgement. She wants to be grown up. They thought the photos would be "artistic". Wow. I'm guessing they loved the pics until Disney saw them. Now they are embarrassed. I bet Disney does not let her out of their sight from now on. And Vanessa Hudgens can breathe a sigh of relief.
Whew - I feel a bit better. I guess I can drift to bed and wish hard that little pixies would come clean my house while I sleep. A girl can dream.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
A Trip To The Zoo
I know what you must be thinking. This picture is blurry. Oh, but you are wrong. You see, this is how we saw the zoo on Wednesday. Preston's Kindergarten class took a trip to the zoo last week. I voluteered to be a chaparone. As soon as we arrived, his teacher told us to break into groups and meet back at 1:00pm. Sounds easy enough. So Preston and 8 of his bestest friends wanted to see the zoo together. Nine boys and free pavement. We RAN through the zoo. What takes an average zoo visitor all day took our group about 30 minutes to see. The moms just laughed. I was just happy to be out of the house. The weather was nice. The air was fresh. Well, as fresh as zoo air can be.
Preston's bestest friends. Me thinks the teacher is not paid nearly enough!!!
One sack lunch and a train ride later, it was time to go. We had fun together. We saw some pretty cool things, even if it was at light-speed!
I'm Still Out Here Y'all
On Sunday we went to ride snow mobiles. I big puffy heart snowmobiling! It's so fun and the kids had a blast. We rode to a little play area and were able to do some donuts and catch some air. Then we rode up the mountian, had a snow ball fight, made some yellow snow (but not me!) and rode back down. It was a 3-hour tour. Super fun.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
See? We get snow!
Under all that snow are my pansies. We are getting a Texas-sized blizzare right now. Normally, this would thrill me, but I have 2 sick kids and my throat is on fire. Good times. I'm watching the news. The non-stop news, that is. They are breaking in on Oprah. Women all over the metroplex are pissed. Every shot has kids getting out of school without coats on, wearing shorts. I love Texas. Don't worry will be 80 degrees next week.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Stay-At-Home Mom...Week 1
This is the first time I've ever stayed home. I've worked from home for 6 years, but not with kids around. It's different. I thought I'd share with you some things I've learned this week. Then I have to go take a shower. Yes, it's 4pm. What?? So I haven't gotten my groove yet. It will happen!!!
Observation #1 -
I wondered how to know when it was time to change my toddler from his pj's to day clothes. 10am, 11am? Answer? When he sticks his hand down the toilet...that's when.
Observation #2 -
Bill Rancic from The Apprentice season 1 is a total sell-out. He's on some lame iVillage cry fest on NBC and I swear I heard today "stay tuned for today's contest...guess that pilates pose." I'm not lying. Sellout.
Observation #3 -
I miss my blackberry. I mean, it's still here, but there's no email buzzing in.
Observation #4 -
The Doodlebops have some sort of magical power over childern. We've never watched the Doodlebops because I am TOTALLY creeped out by them. As "open minded" as I've become, these folks are just too *woo hoo* for me. But they came on today and I was on a call with a potential employer. The power they had over my child was too hard to explain with words.
So there you go. Good thing I love my kids. They've made the transition fun.
Have a good weekend!
Guys, if your woman is a SAHM, give her some props tonight.
Monday, February 25, 2008
You MUST Click on This
disclaimer - I don't speak spanish, so don't judge me for whatever commentary is surrounding the most hilarious thing you've ever seen.
Oh, and if you don't think it's funny, lie to me. I'm not joking when I say it's been a bad day.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Preston Rocked the House Today!
Today, I did not get to go. Bergen is still pretty sick. As Preston left for the game, I told him to shoot the ball today. No matter what. And it did not matter if he made it or missed it.
20 minutes in to his game I got a text message from TV Joe. Preston shot the ball, missed, got the rebound, shot again and MADE IT!!! Yea! I cried thinking of how proud he must have been. I wish I could have been there. TV Joe said the crowd went nuts. We've all been waiting for this day!
When he got home, I told Preston this was a life-changing day. He crossed the line from support player to scoring player. The smile on his face was amazing.
Go Preston! We are so proud of you!
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
I made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies last week to take to a friend's house. They were a huge hit. I was a bit shocked because I am not a good cook, at all. Seriously. The best thing I make is Taco Soup. In fact, when Preston was inhaling his cookie, I said "Guess who made that cookie?". His answer? "Janna". So you would imagine my excitement when everyone raved about my cookies. Janna told me to post the recipe and pictures.
Add eggs and vanilla; beat well.
Add combined flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Mix well.
Stir in oats and chocolate chips; mix well. (I do this by hand)
The key to this recipe is the cinnamon. Today, I forgot the cinnamon in the first batch, but added to the second batch. It's crucial to make these bad boys delicious.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Lent Update
If you haven't seen Chocolat, it's worth the rental fee. One of my favorite movies. Johnny Depp sure does own that pirate role!
Bergen is 18 Months Old!
I would take your picture today and post it, but you are so sick with bronchitis (!!!) so I will spare you. Poor baby. 101.9 temp, runny nose and coughing. Who wants to babysit?? Kidding, only kidding. I have not left his side today, or that's actually flipped. He has not left my side. Let's just say it's been a very Wiggle-y day.
Bergen, in honor of you, here's list of some of your words. If I missed any, I'll add more later.
mommy, dada, bubba, Pressy (Preston), Nana, Grandaddy (ran dada), Mimi, Grandad, cereal, water (wawa), dog, cat, moo, light, night night, shoes, socks, airplane, shower (showah), bath, yea, hi, bye, cookie, made a mess, I'm done, all through, no, no-no, movie, please (psss), thank you (tay too), bed, bottle, milk, outside, swing, uh-oh, Elmo, baby, Mickey Mouse (me mouw), hotdog, Greg, Anthony, Jeff, Murray, Wiggles, one, two, I love you (i ov ou), amen
We love you Bergen!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
What did this Tuesday bring me? TV Joe has the flu. Please pray that he doesn't share the germs. None of us got that nasty flu shot this year. Don't lecture me. There's way too much bad press on the flu shot.
We covet your prayers. Biggie B does not need the flu after his fight with RSV last year. Thankfully Mimi is keeping him overnight tonight so I can sanitize the house.
Tuesday... I need to find a way to make you love me again...
They Deserved It
Preston loves the big reveal on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. He's finally learned that these kids aren't "lucky" to get that awesome Star Wars room. They, in fact, will spend more time in a hospital bed than in the X-Wing fighter bed that Ty Pennington constructed with his bare hands. That was a hard lesson to learn. You see, our kids are spoiled. All of the kids around us are spoiled. My friend's kids are spoiled. I was spoiled growing up. I didn't get everything I wanted, and my kids don't get everything they want. But in comparison to the kids on EMHE, what makes our kids spoiled is the fact that they have a bed. Or their own room. Heat, water...basic needs covered. Lord willing, my kids will never have to wonder what's for dinner or if the blankets will keep them warm. I thank God every day for that.
Sunday night EMHE was on until 9pm, way past P-Diddy's bedtime. So we set the DVR to record the end so he could see the big reveal and the cool rooms. So yesterday after school, he got his snack and sat down to watch the big reveal. If you didn't catch Sunday's episode, it was about a man named Daniel, a Marine. He served in Desert Storm and felt led to re-up to served in Iraq this time around. (There's another post there about military personnel and their feelings on the war in Iraq, but I'll stay on track here.) He lost his leg in Iraq. He almost lost his life. But he fought hard and recovered...came home to his 4 kids and wife. He had a long road of rehabilitation. His wife became "overwhelmed" and left him with the 4 kids. He's now a single dad, 4 kids, 1 leg. This is one brave man. They lived in a split level shack where his kids shared a room. Yes, all 4 - boys and girls - sharing 1 room.
Ty and his crew came in to save the day, giving him a 1-story home that's safe and where the kids can finally be kids - run around and have their own space. Preston watched as each kid got their own room. Then Daniel (the dad) was shown his room. He was full of emotion throughout the entire the entire episode. Dude has every right - 1 leg, single dad - not to mention the tramas of war. This show was full of military pride and many of Daniel's Marine brothers were there for the big reveal. After it was all over, Preston came into my office with little tears in his eyes. He said, "that man, Daniel...he deserves that room. He deserves that house for everything he's done to protect us." Gulp. Then he gave me a big hug. It was seriously the sweetest thing I had ever heard. I just pray he remembers that feeling. I pray that I can help him remember other people's needs and that we are very blessed. I just love to see how his little heart is shaping.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Thursday is the New Tuesday
Now, it's all about Thursday!
Thursday has always been good to me. Back in the day, it was Cosby, Cheers and LA Law. When TV Joe and I were first married, and he wasn't so skinny and healthy, Thursdays meant good pizza and a night of Friends, Seinfeld and ER. Before this hideous strike, Thursdays were filled with competing, excellent television and thanks to the DVR, we never have to miss a thing. We love My Name Is Earl, Scrubs and The Office. I love 30 Rock (TV Joe can't stand Alec Baldwin so he refuses to watch). I love Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy is "appointment television" (Chuckism). Then came the strike. The dark, glooming strike. Yes I feel sorry for the people who are basically living off food stamps now because they haven't been paid in months due to no production. But I also feel sorry for ME! Yes, ME! I work hard all day, it's a fight to get kids to bed and I want to mindlessly watch while someone entertains me from 8:00 pm on. And as much as I love American's not the same laughing at 'roided-up freaks as it is laughing at well written comedy.
Last week, everything changed. ABC and NBC held some goodness back and it's rolling out now!
Last week, we got the return of Lost. If you are not watching...shame on you. But aside from the premiere of Lost last week, we were dished Eli Stone. Did you watch Eli Stone? I LOVED it! But I love quirky, well written television. And, I love George Michael. Don't tease me, you know you sing along to "Faith" whenever you hear it. Jonny Lee Miller is so talented. This role was made for him. His dumbfounded, confused looks are priceless. Did you know he was once married to Angelina Jolie? I guess before Billy Bob Thornton? Girl's got skills. Anyway... The great Victor Garber is Eli's boss, and soon to be his father in law. I loved Alias so much. VG was so good as Jack Bristow aka spydaddy. Sigh...I wish I was Jennifer Garner.
(For those keeping score at home, clearly I did not give up ADD for Lent. I'm still random as ever. Yesterday's clarity was clearly a "God thing".)
I encourage you to check out this show. And if you missed last week, you can watch it on'll also be recording Lipstick Jungle. I was not too impressed with Cashmere Mafia, and I hear they are pretty much identical twins. We'll see. Happy tubing! And check back tomorrow - I'm making dinner tonight and I might just have some "food p--n" to post. If I'm not Jennifer Garner, can I be Ina Garten? Could they be any more opposite?? See...there's that ADD again. Night night!
ps - Janna are you impressed with my word linky things?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Ash Wednesday
I'm Southern Baptist. Notice how I said that without hanging my head in shame? I'm proud of my beliefs and of my denomination. I don't agree with everything that comes from the SBC, but the basic doctrine works just fine for me. First, the Bible is the inspired word of God. Period. Jesus died for our sins, rose again on the 3rd day, and in order for us to have eternal life in heaven, we physically ask Him to be our Savior, live in our hearts, and forgive us of our sins. (John 3:16, Eph 2:8, Acts 4:12, Romans 6:23) We, in turn, strive to live as He did. We fail, at times (ok a lot of the time), but thanks to the saving grace of Jesus, our sins our forgiven. I can feel His presence in me, even when I fail Him. It's what gets me out of bed everyday. That's the cliff notes version...if you want more information, I'd be happy to share more with you!
Moving on...
I had a wonderful youth minister in high school. Her name was Debbie. In the 90's, it was pretty controversial to have a female staff member at a Baptist church. Thank the Lord we rose above it because she taught me things I still hold close. She was raised Catholic and the spring of my senior year, she took us to the local Catholic church for Ash Wednesday services. The priest was kind enough to let us sit and observe this sacred service. We did not take communion, but we did line up to have the mark of the cross placed on our foreheads. It was a beautiful ceremony and I remember it to this day. She also took us to the Jewish synagogue to witness a Passover service. Equally beautiful, deep rooted in tradition.
It was at that time that I started practicing Lent. I think it is a really lovely way to remind myself of the sacrifice Christ made on the cross. I know that as Christians, we focus on the resurrection because that's where our faith lies. But as Mel Gibson reminded us, the road the resurrection was not easy. It's the greatest sacrifice ever made.
Today is the first day of Lent. I'm giving up something that will be difficult but not impossible. It's a personal decision. Every time I reach for this "thing" and turn it down, it's a sacrifice. Not at all like the sacrifice Jesus made for me, in fact, it's rather silly in comparison. But at least in my busy, hectic world, I can be reminded of my faith many times throughout the day.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Lost - It's Back Baby
If you are a lost fan, click here to get a little sneak peek. Spoiler warning. And remember that E!Online is a great source for Lost info. I'm sure this is on somewhere, but when I looked, I could not find it.
Sorry I don't know how to do that word click link thingy. Need to figure that out.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tuesday is NOT the same. Period.
Second is feeding this crew when there's 6:45 practice and TV Joe busts through the door just in time to make the practice. So kids eat whatever before practice and then we eat at 8:30 when the boys are in bed. Harsh, especially since I am trying to ween the kids off Sonic as a part of my New Year's Resolution/Year of Amy's Comeback. I have no idea what to make tonight. I'm thinking vegetable soup since it's FREEZING here.
Third - and here's the biggest. Every Tuesday I'm reminded that my girls are gone. My Gilmore Girls, that is. I miss them. Seriously miss them. Like I've never missed fake TV people before. Sure I can watch on ABC Family every morning at 10 or afternoon at 4, but it's not the same. I miss their wit, I miss their fast talkin', I miss the diner. I miss Kirk! I miss Stars Hollow. I want to live in Stars Hollow. I imagine they are all still living their life there. Lorelai and Luke are married and happy. Sookie catered the wedding and made the cake. When I see Obama on the news, I secretly look for a glimpse of Rory. We're getting a Sex and the City movie - who do I write for a Gilmore Girls movie? And for the love of all that is good...what were the last words suppose to be? Amy Sherman-Palladino left the show basically high and dry at the end of season 6. She's the one that made Lorelai end up at Chris's door. Darn her. And she said from the beginning that she knew the last sentence of the show's conclusion. I want to know!!!
So what's my replacement? Biggest Loser. I want to be the biggest loser. I'm a loser all right, but I want to be the biggest loser. I love this show. The drama, the sweat, the tears - Jillian's crazy mean psycho face. I can't decide who I want to win this year. Since there are teams, I don't know names. I can't remember names anyway. What a great world we would live in if I could just say - "hey pink team lady" instead of having to remember names. Anyway, I digress. So I'm kind of pulling for the pink team, since that mom is pretty old. I'm very impressed with her efforts. And I like the yellow team - mom and son. They rock the scale every week. I know I can't stand the black team. The rest are, meh. Take or leave. The host is Allison Sweeney from "Days of our Lives". Yeah, Allison use to be chubby, so I guess she has street cred. Maybe this week I'll watch without a bowl of ice cream in my hand. There's a concept!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Catch Up
Preston is playing basketball - this is his 2nd season. This year he is on the Lakers. He's #4. Last year, he was on the Mavericks and his team was full of circus freaks. And when I say circus freaks, I mean 5 year olds that could hit 3 point shots. Preston could barely dribble or shot at all. We've been practicing all year. So this year, he's on the Lakers and these 6 year olds are all fairly normal. None can shoot a 3-pt, but they can all hit the basket, dribble and run. Preston fits in just fine.
We lost our first game to the Celtics, but that's ok, because we got donuts and Capri Sun after the game. Put a donut in a 6 year old's hand, and he forgets all about a loss!