Friday, May 30, 2008

The Ice Cream Invasion

We've had the hankerin' for some homemade ice cream around here. And if you know my husband, the standard ice cream machine from Target would not do. It makes the ice cream "too icy". So last Sunday after church and some lunch, we gathered our pennies and headed to Williams Sonoma for the Mercedes of ice cream machines. You don't have to use salt or freeze the bowl. Just dump it all in and turn it on. So far we've made chocolate and cinnamon. And we've gone through about 5 cartons of eggs. Not the whites...just the yolks. This machine makes some amazing ice cream. I'm going to make some frozen yogurt today - mint chocolate chip.

But I'm not telling you this to pimp out Cuisinart. You see, when we were opening the box and getting everything ready, Preston said, "This ice cream machine is gonna change our lives."

Is this child a Weir or what? Love it.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Preston Rocks

It's been a big couple of weeks for P Diddy. He's finishing up Kindergarten and the bell can't ring for the last time too soon in his eyes. He's ready for summer break big time.

We had the big t-ball tournament. The big, painful t-ball tournament. It was a massacre. Freakishly large kids on the opposing team. I thought our coaches were going to have strokes on the field. But the kids all had smiles on their faces. They couldn't care less, which is awesome about 6 year olds. They were totally there for the free trophy and pizza party. Saturday night we hooted it up with the Cardinals. We had pizza, cake, 5 hours of swimming and the trophies. Our coaches were amazing this season. Big ups to them. And apparently there's been a request for a Cardinal Dad's Calendar. Cute dads...TV Joe included and obviously at the top of that list. Way to go Cardinals - we're all very proud. It's a great team and we've made some awesome friends in the process. We have one more season together in the fall and we're all looking forward to coach pitch.

Preston's other big news for the weekend. He learned to ride his bike without his training wheels. He's growing up, y'all and it's freaking me out. He's so big and adorable. We're really proud of him. And yes, we're getting him a bigger bike. He's had a major growth spurt. You can see the pure joy on his little face.

Yesterday we went to Preston's Kindergarten graduation. It was just about the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. It's been a good year. We held Preston back because he's a summer baby. He's super smart, but I just really felt it necessary to give him a little head start emotionally and socially. I know we made the right decision, but I was worried this year would be difficult due to boredom. Preston's teacher was amazing - she challenged him with reading and extra work to keep him engaged. We made it this year thanks to Mrs. Guthrey. We're ready for the 1st grade. I hear it's a lot of pressure with homework and reading. It's crazy how kids are pushed these days.

So here's to Preston - my baby boy all grown up. I thank God every day for giving me this amazing kid!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

If You Like To Eat...

I know...I'm MIA. Uninspired is a good description. It will come back to me, I assure you.

In the meantime, if you like to eat, you really, really need to go to Honeyed Hashette. My girl Janna has been busy making stuff like this.

Her husband won the lottery with this girl. And not just because she's a great cook. She's gorgeous, generous, hilarious and a great friend.

Guys...send your wife here. She's a rock star. you Janna! Come see us soon...but don't you dare show up empty handed!! :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Trip to New York - deets to come

We just got back from an amazing 3-ish days in New York. Details to come...after I finish cleaning the house up.

Now...where's my haz-mat uniform?