Man, it is a nasty day outside. It's 64 degrees and rainy. Not really rainy, more heavy drizzle. Drizzle is *the* worst. I despise the drizzle! It gets your glasses all drizzly and ruins my hair way faster than real rain. Just nasty. But, it's winter in Texas, so get use to it! And we do need any type of moisture desperately.
I just made one more trip to Hobby Lobby. I hope it was my last. Whew. I've learned a few things about Hobby Lobby. I should always just get the hand basket instead of the push cart because there is less room and therefore I buy less. When will I learn? I am hosting Bergen's Christmas party at his preschool next week and needed an ornament idea. I love their cutie ceramic ornaments - fifty cents each - and then glue their little faces on them. Such a keepsake. Parents want an ornament with their little faces on it to keep. Please don't send home a foam ornament. Yuck. Last year I got adorable snow men and had them paint their hats black, then glue on some buttons and I drew a face. They were cute, but I have such severe control issues when it comes to crafts that I found myself getting edgy when the paint went over the neatly drawn hat line, or the buttons ended up on the snowman face. I know, this is bad. They are four - let it go. So this year I'm doing angels, and I'm spray painting them in advance a sparkly blue. Then we'll glue their little faces on the angel head, and I got lots of colored sparkle sequins and I'll let them go hog wild. Turn a blind eye to the mayhem. Ha - we'll see.
When I went to check out there were 2 lines open, so I chose one and began to wait. I had no idea I was in the return or buy line and how long it would take. Other lines opened up, but I was not really in a position to get out of my line, so I just waited and read my email. A gal came back in to complain that she had paid too much for her Christmas candy - "It said 50% off". Candy is never marked down. I don't know how much candy she had in there, but she decided to return it, and gets in line behind me and another guy. She asked 3 times if she had to stand in line to return the candy. Then when she saw my basket load of frames and ceramic ornaments, she really started to fidget! Hobby Lobby will wrap up every last bit of your breakables. And this cashier, bless her heart, was so slow. I could feel the laser eyes in the back of my head. Like bad. I'm pretty sure she killed me three times in her head. It's kind of fun to cause irritation to Scrooges at Christmas.
As I was leaving, I decided to RACK* the Salvation Army bell guy. We've been trying to RACK the one at the grocery store for 2 weeks, but every time we drive by, he's on break. Finally I found one and went for it. But what to get him? It's not really cold out, it's really rather warm. So no hot chocolate. And what if he's diabetic? Or lactose intolerant? Would he like a coke? Diet coke? Is he sensitive to caffeine? I tend to over-think things.
I ran through the McD's drive through and ordered a large unsweet tea. And let me tell you, I had conflicting feelings the entire time. Doubts. I think when you are trying so hard to listen to the Holy Spirit, your thoughts (Satan's plant), can throw doubts. I fought through it and got the large iced tea and 2 packs of sugar and sweetener. I drove back to the Hobby Lobby and gave it to him, saying "Merry Christmas!" He was very thankful, and I'm sure was wondering if I was going to ask him for his number.
This was by far the hardest RACK for me. I had to face to face with the recipient. And I know I've said before that I crave the hug. The pat on the back. But when placed face to face with a stranger, I really get nervous and shy. But that nervous feeling is good. It's the Holy Spirit telling me to either "go for it this is good!" or "back out and don't do this, it's not right".
I really wanted a picture of him with his drink, but I thought that might be odd to ask. Sometimes it's best to just retain a memory. I want the kids to experience this as well. And I really hope he likes iced tea.
Have a wonderful day, y'all! 11 days until Christmas!
*DISCLAIMER - You really have to know that a tiny piece of the joy in this project is saying RACK. I RACKed the Salvation Army guy. Really? That's comedy to me. So mature...
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
RACK'd - December 13th Edition - Sometimes it's better not to know
Hope y'all are having a great start to the week. I shoveled out my office yesterday in preparation for Christmas guests. It was so bad. I have about 500 expired catalogs from work - boxes stacked high. General chaos in no organized fashion. I put everything up, dusted, cleaned the floors and even decorated the mantle. Been here 8 years, first time to decorate this mantle for Christmas.
We overslept this morning. By an hour. We woke up about 2 minutes before the bus came. Poor Preston. He was so upset. He just doesn't understand what's so hard about waking up on time. Sweet child - did not see the 3 loads of laundry and dishes I did after I put him to bed at 9pm. Someday he'll get it. And...I will likely be there to say "told ya so!!!". I'm kind like that.
So we rushed to get breakfast and loaded in the car for the school. Man, there is nothing like missing the bus that really makes you appreciate the bus! With 2 minutes to spare (poor kid will need therapy!), Bergen and I made our way to Starbucks. I feel I earned it this morning.
Oh good - a RACKing opportunity!
I love paying for the car behind me at Starbucks! I do it periodically all year long. So fun. But I have to admit, the selfish side of me really wants to see their face when they get their free coffee. I want to hug them and say "oh, it's my pleasure!" But then it would not be a random act of kindness. It would be Amy trying to get a pat on the back. And that's not what RACKs are all about.
So I order my venti Pikes with room for cream and a box of chocolate milk for the turkey in the backseat.
Let me veer off subject real quick to tell you that I'm totally hooked on Coconut milk creamer. I don't like my coffee sweet. Half & half has loads of points - I was using 2 - 3 points a day on creamer. So I switched to coconut creamer. Love it. And when I want a little sweet in it, I load it with coconut creamer, then put a little splash of flavored creamer. So good. Just don't drink the last sip - there's some sort of residue that I don't want to address - kind of gritty. I think it's best I don't know what it is.
So I get my coffee and chocolate milk and tell the cashier I want to pay for the car behind me. "Cool - that's so nice. Would you like a receipt?" I tell him "no, but how much was her coffee?"
I'm not going to mention the price of her order, because it's not like she ordered a lobster, but let's just say, this might have been a group order. Ding dong. Don't ever ask the total, or it might just spoil your heart for a moment. It's just best not to know.
Hope your day is great - do something kind today!!
We overslept this morning. By an hour. We woke up about 2 minutes before the bus came. Poor Preston. He was so upset. He just doesn't understand what's so hard about waking up on time. Sweet child - did not see the 3 loads of laundry and dishes I did after I put him to bed at 9pm. Someday he'll get it. And...I will likely be there to say "told ya so!!!". I'm kind like that.
So we rushed to get breakfast and loaded in the car for the school. Man, there is nothing like missing the bus that really makes you appreciate the bus! With 2 minutes to spare (poor kid will need therapy!), Bergen and I made our way to Starbucks. I feel I earned it this morning.
Oh good - a RACKing opportunity!
I love paying for the car behind me at Starbucks! I do it periodically all year long. So fun. But I have to admit, the selfish side of me really wants to see their face when they get their free coffee. I want to hug them and say "oh, it's my pleasure!" But then it would not be a random act of kindness. It would be Amy trying to get a pat on the back. And that's not what RACKs are all about.
So I order my venti Pikes with room for cream and a box of chocolate milk for the turkey in the backseat.
Let me veer off subject real quick to tell you that I'm totally hooked on Coconut milk creamer. I don't like my coffee sweet. Half & half has loads of points - I was using 2 - 3 points a day on creamer. So I switched to coconut creamer. Love it. And when I want a little sweet in it, I load it with coconut creamer, then put a little splash of flavored creamer. So good. Just don't drink the last sip - there's some sort of residue that I don't want to address - kind of gritty. I think it's best I don't know what it is.
So I get my coffee and chocolate milk and tell the cashier I want to pay for the car behind me. "Cool - that's so nice. Would you like a receipt?" I tell him "no, but how much was her coffee?"
I'm not going to mention the price of her order, because it's not like she ordered a lobster, but let's just say, this might have been a group order. Ding dong. Don't ever ask the total, or it might just spoil your heart for a moment. It's just best not to know.
Hope your day is great - do something kind today!!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
RACK'd - December 9th Edition
My kids have been weird lately. Have yours? I'm not sure if it's Christmas-itis, or if my 10 year old is starting the moody preteens early. But it's been weird around here. Honestly, this is where these random acts of kindness really come in handy. When we are feeling snarky, doing something nice always helps turn it around.
Friday was no exception. We were all a little tense Friday night waiting for dad to get home from work. We loaded up in the car to take the dry cleaning and find a RACK to recover us from our attitudes. I've been saving this RACK for a nice day - it rained for like a whole week here, and this needed a nice, dry day.
We drove up to the main grocery store close to our home and attached candy canes to car doors with a little note. We got the note from the original RACKer, found on Pinterest. If you are so inclined, please use for your own family's RACKing. But know I'm not the author, this lady is.

I tied the note to candy canes and we ran through the parking lot attaching them to doors of cars. It was really very fun. Preston was so worried we were going to get into trouble for touching other people's cars. Such a rule follower, just like his momma. We ran back to the car and waited to see a shopper find their candy canes. But since it was dark, we could not really see. We imagine that they were all *very* happy and felt *very* blessed and decided to pass it on. And that's what we'll continue to imagine.
This was a very fun RACK!
We left the store to head to dinner. The restaurant had video games and a crane lift game to win balls. What a waste of, I mean fun time. $.20 balls now cost $5.00! Anyway, Preston comes running over to tell me he did a RACK! He won a ball, and gave it to the 2 year old watching him. Oh, this momma's heart swelled up with pride - so proud of Preston and what he's learning from helping others. A Merry Christmas, indeed. I hope y'all had a great weekend and enjoy your week!
Friday was no exception. We were all a little tense Friday night waiting for dad to get home from work. We loaded up in the car to take the dry cleaning and find a RACK to recover us from our attitudes. I've been saving this RACK for a nice day - it rained for like a whole week here, and this needed a nice, dry day.
We drove up to the main grocery store close to our home and attached candy canes to car doors with a little note. We got the note from the original RACKer, found on Pinterest. If you are so inclined, please use for your own family's RACKing. But know I'm not the author, this lady is.
I tied the note to candy canes and we ran through the parking lot attaching them to doors of cars. It was really very fun. Preston was so worried we were going to get into trouble for touching other people's cars. Such a rule follower, just like his momma. We ran back to the car and waited to see a shopper find their candy canes. But since it was dark, we could not really see. We imagine that they were all *very* happy and felt *very* blessed and decided to pass it on. And that's what we'll continue to imagine.
This was a very fun RACK!
We left the store to head to dinner. The restaurant had video games and a crane lift game to win balls. What a waste of, I mean fun time. $.20 balls now cost $5.00! Anyway, Preston comes running over to tell me he did a RACK! He won a ball, and gave it to the 2 year old watching him. Oh, this momma's heart swelled up with pride - so proud of Preston and what he's learning from helping others. A Merry Christmas, indeed. I hope y'all had a great weekend and enjoy your week!
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