In the spirit of the beginning of fall, I'll pay tribute to the good ol' "What-I-Did-On-My-Summer-Vacation" essay.
We took swimming lessons
We went to Childress for a family reunion, only to learn that we were the only family to RSVP, and the only family attending. So we played BINGO.
And grilled burgers in the 850 degree West Texas heat.
We went to San Antonio
We had friends over - and jumped hazardously on the trampoline
Cousin Josh came to dinner - they LOVE cousin Josh. He's awesome. And single, if you know any God-loving, Christ-following, cute early to mid-20's girls.
We had birthdays - first Preston, who turned 9.
Love this toot. He wanted everyone to blow those horns after we sang Happy Birthday while he blew out his candles. Wish granted.